of lollipop

of lollipop Epagneul tibetain

Epagneul tibetain

Sunday Lausanne International Show

Actualité publié le 18/10/2010

of lollipop - Sunday Lausanne International Show


International Show Lausanne

the Saturday 17th of October 2010

Under the Judgements of Mr M Forte - IRL


CACIB - CAC - BOB / Meilleur de Race
CH Feelings of Lollipop

"Judge Show Report Feelings"

Lovely quality male, well constructed, well proportionned, strong topline,
moving well front and rear, lovely head eyes & expression, handled well


BooBoo of Lollipop


Whoopie in season stayed at home !


Merci / Thank you to Yvette Raussis
for her help and beautiful co-handling of ours tibbies


Picture : Mr M Forte - IRL
BOB Feelings & BOB France Stallone Royaume des Cavaliers Valaisans
