of lollipop

of lollipop Epagneul tibetain

Epagneul tibetain

December Shows California - USA

Actualité publié le 17/12/2010

of lollipop - December Shows California - USA


Kennel Club of Beverly Hills - USA

1st of December 2010

Under the Judgements of Mrs. Phyllis Wolfish

Winners Bitch
My Girl of Lollipop



WW07-CH After Eight of Lollipop - Grand Champion Select 


Kennel Club Los Encinos - USA

2nd of December 2010

Under the Judgements of Mr Lawrence E. Stanbridge


WW07-CH After Eight of Lollipop - Grand Champion Select 


Kennel Club of Long Beach - USA

3rd of December 2010

Under the Judgements of Mr Andrew Brace - UK

Winners Bitch
My Girl of Lollipop



WW07-CH After Eight of Lollipop - Grand Champion Select 

Congratulations to

 Owers & Handlers & Pictures Linda & Joseph Champoux - USA


4th of December 2010
 Participation of After Eight at the
AKC / Eukanuba National Championship - USA

