of lollipop

of lollipop Epagneul tibetain

Epagneul tibetain

Shows - Expositions December 2010 / January 2011

Actualité publié le 25/01/2011

of lollipop - Shows - Expositions December 2010 / January 2011


International & National Show Milan - Italy

Sunday 23rd January 2011

Under the judgment of Mr Richard Camacho  - USA



CH BooBoo of  Lollipop

1st Exc Open Dog Class
CACIB - CAC - BOB / Meilleur de Race


CH Feelings of  Lollipop

1st Exc Champion Dog Class / RCACIB

Armani of Lollipop
1st VP Puppy Dog Class
BOB Puppy / Meilleur Puppy

CH Whoopie of Lollipop
1st Exc Open Bitch Class
CACIB - CAC - BOS / Meilleur Femelle

CH Candle in the Wind of Lollipop
1st Exc Veteran Class

BOB Veteran / Meilleur Veteran

Ange ou Démon of Lollipop
1st VP Puppy Bitch Class



Chesapeake Kennel Club Of Maryland
Sunday 16th January 2011

Under the judgment of Mrs. Catherine S DiGiacomo  - USA



CH Baby Love of  Lollipop

SEL American Grand Championship Points


Congratulations to Mallory !





International & Natonal Show Nantes - France
December 2010

Under the Judgments of Mrs C Metans - France

CH Doux Tam Tam of Lollipop
1st Exc CH Dog Class
CACIB - BOB / Meilleur de Race

Congratulations to

Owner Mrs Minotte - France
Handling - David Allain - France
