of lollipop

of lollipop Epagneul tibetain

Epagneul tibetain

International - National - Special Tibetan Breed Show Offenburg / D

Actualité publié le 13/03/2011

of lollipop - International - National - Special Tibetan Breed Show Offenburg / D



Intenrational Show Offenburg - Germany


 12th March 2011

under the Judge Mrs Karin Bernadis - Austria

CH BooBoo of Lollipop
Ortenau Sieger
CACIB - CAC - VDH - BOB / Meilleur de Race


CH Whoopie of Lollipop
Ortenau Sieger
CACIB - CAC - VDH - BOS / Meilleur Femelle


CH Soaering Seagull's Calvados


Lobsang Watch Me at Lollipop
Very Prommising 1 Puppy Dog


Mona Lisa of Lollipop
Very Prommising 1 Puppy Bitch


