of lollipop

of lollipop Epagneul tibetain

Epagneul tibetain

International show Poitiers - France

Actualité publié le 26/10/2011

of lollipop - International show Poitiers - France



 International show Poitiers - France 

23rd October 2011 -

Handling Jean-François Lallemand
Photo J Loutreuil

CH Boo Boo of Lollipop
1st Exc CH dog Class - CACIB -
Best of Breed / Meilleur de Race
 BOG Under Mr Roger Barenne - France
Reserve Best in show - Mr Guy Mansencal - France


CH Whoopie of Lollipop - CACIB - BOS

Armani of Lollipop - RCACIB - CACS

CH Baby Love of Lollipop - RCACS


BIS Breeding Group all Breed - Mr Guy Mansencal - France

Merci et Félicitations Jean-françois !!!!
