of lollipop

of lollipop Epagneul tibetain

Epagneul tibetain

International & National Show Troyes - France

Actualité publié le 05/02/2012

of lollipop - International  & National Show Troyes - France



International Show Troyes - France

the 5th of Febuary 2012

Under the Judge Mr Roger Barenne - France
Handling JF Lallemand - France

1st Exc CH dog Class
CACIB - BOB / Meilleur de Race
CH Boo Boo of Lollipop

1st Exc Open Dog Class
CH Feelings of Lollipop

Armani of Lollipop - Absent

1st Exc Open Bitch Class
CACIB - CACS - BOS / Meilleur Femelle
CH My Girl of Lollipop

1st Exc CH Bitch Class - RCACIB
CH Whoopie of Lollipop

1st Exc Interm Bitch Class
JCH Mona Lisa of Lollipop


BIS 2 Breeding Group

Judge Mrs Roser - France

Merci Jean-François - Bon retour

Photo " Ch My Girl of Lollipop"
