of lollipop

of lollipop Epagneul tibetain

Epagneul tibetain

French National Specialty 2012

Actualité publié le 18/03/2012

of lollipop - French National Specialty 2012


Saterday French National Specialty - Montluçon

the 17th March 2012

Entry of 79 Tibbies

Under the Judge Mr PATERSON Ernie - England
Handling JF Lallemand - France

1st Exc CH Dog Class
Best Champion
BOB / Meilleur de Race
CH Boo Boo of Lollipop

1st Exc Open Dog Class
CH Feelings of Lollipop

2nd Exc Open Dog Class
CH Soaring Seagull's Calvados

3rd Excellent in a class of 23 bitches
CH My Girl of Lollipp

3rd Excellent in class of 9 bitches
Mona Lisa of Lollipop

EXC NC in class of 23 bitches
CH Baby Love of Lollipop

1st Exc Vénérable & Best Vénérable
(Veterans of more then 12 years)
Giroflée of Lollipop
Owners Jacqueline & Koudir - France

All Passed the TAN / test of caracter with Succes

BEST in SHOW all Breeds
Breeding Group / Meilleur Classe d'Elevage

Félicitations et Merci à Jean-François !!!

Photos will follow - Photos suivront
