TSCA Regional Specialty - Tulsa / USA
Actualité publié le 25/05/2012
Blackfoot - ID - USA
Eagle Rock Kennel Club / USA
17th June 2012
Judge Mrs Ann D Hearn - US
CH Amethyst of Lollipop Best of Breed
Eagle Rock Kennel Club / USA
16th June 2012
Judge Mr George D Boulton - US
CH Amethyst of Lollipop SEL
Pocatello Kennel Club / USA
15th June 2012
Judge Mr Eugene Blake - US
CH Amethyst of Lollipop Best of Breed
Pocatello Kennel Club / USA
14th June 2012
Judge Col Harold R. Brizee - US
CH Amethyst of Lollipop Best of Breed
TSCA Regional Specialty - Tulsa / USA
and supported entry shows the following days
TSCA Regional - Tulsa - 24th May 2012 - Judge Dr Wanda V. Spediacci
Seminole Kennel Club Tulsa - 26th May 2012 - Judge Mr Michael Kennedy
Mid-Continent Kennel club Tulsa - 27th May Judge Mr Robert E Hutton
all 3 days
and supported entry shows the following days
TSCA Regional - Tulsa - 24th May 2012 - Judge Dr Wanda V. Spediacci
Seminole Kennel Club Tulsa - 26th May 2012 - Judge Mr Michael Kennedy
Mid-Continent Kennel club Tulsa - 27th May Judge Mr Robert E Hutton
all 3 days
CH Amethyst of Lollipop Best Of Opposite Sex
Thank you and Congratulations to
Mallory Driskill and to Cindie Swaim for doing a great handling job!
Thank you and Congratulations to
Mallory Driskill and to Cindie Swaim for doing a great handling job!