of lollipop

of lollipop Epagneul tibetain

Epagneul tibetain

Spring 2013 Luxembourg Dog Show

Actualité publié le 31/03/2013

of lollipop - Spring 2013 Luxembourg Dog Show


International Dog Show Luxembourg

the Sunrday 31th March 2013

                        Judge Mrs Adriana GRIFFA (Italie)                        
Handling J
ean-François Lallemand

1st Exc Veteran Dog Class in his 13th year
BOB Veteran - Meilleur Vétéran
Reserve Best in Show Vétéran
New Luxembourg Veteran Champion

WW-03 CH Teddy of Lollipop

1st Exc CH Dog Class CACIB - CACL
NEW International & New Luxembourg Champion ! 
CH Soaring Seagul's Calvados

Congratulations to his

Breeders & Co-Owners Linda & Joseph Champoux - USA

Félicitations & Merci to all !


