of lollipop

of lollipop Epagneul tibetain

Epagneul tibetain

2 days Shows Douai 12th & 13th October 2013

Actualité publié le 13/10/2013

of lollipop - 2 days Shows Douai 12th & 13th October 2013

International Show Douai

13th October 2013

Breed Judge Mrs Lisbeth Mach - Swiss
Group Judge M Opara - PL
Handling JF Lallemand

CACIB - Best of Breed / Meilleur de Race
WW12-EW13 CH Boo Boo of Lollipop
Group 2

BOB Junior - Meilleur Jeune
Que Sera Sera of Lollipop

National & Tibetan Special Breed Show

12th October 2013

Judge Mrs Chantal Mery - France
Handling JF Lallemand

Best of Breed / Meilleur de Race
WW12-EW13 CH Boo Boo of Lollipop

2nd Exc Junior dog class 2/5
Que Sera Sera of Lollipop



