of lollipop

of lollipop Epagneul tibetain

Epagneul tibetain

Donut's First Shows in USA

Actualité publié le 16/03/2014

of lollipop - Donut's First Shows in USA

FIRST Shows for C'Donut's of Lollipop in USA
at the age of 6 and half months

Congratulations to his Handler / Owners
Linda & Joseph Champoux - USA
Scottsdale Dog Fanciers Association - Arizona
28 February 2014, Rodney R. Merry, WD, BOS
2nd March 2014 Best of Winners
3 March 2014, David McIntyre, WD, BOS

Litter brother to Chewbacca & Charmes & Sortilèges

