of lollipop

of lollipop Epagneul tibetain

Epagneul tibetain

Top Tibby - France 2013

Actualité publié le 17/03/2014

of lollipop - Top Tibby - France 2013

Officiel Vos Chiens Magazine March 2014

Top Winning Tibetan Spaniel France 2013

Breed rank Nr. 1 with 139 points / dog - Ranked 10th ALL BREEDS

WW12-EW13-CH Boo Boo of Lollipop for the 3rd year in the row !!!

To his handler Jean-François Lallemand goes all our "Merci" and congratulations

Our 13th Top Tibetan Spaniel Winner France since 2001

All our thanks to the Judges that have apreciated Boo Boo and to all handling help


