Aarau Switzerland - 2014 - 2
Actualité publié le 23/06/2014
Results from National Dog Show Aarau 21st June 2014 / Judge Mr W Jungblut - Germany / Lovely handling Jean-François Lallemand & Merci To Renate Peeters for the lovely Co-Handling and others / Best in Show Breeding Group all Breeds ! Best of Breed / Mr de Race + CAC CH Boo Boo of Lollipop and pulled in the last 5 for the group / Very promissing Best puppy / Meilleur Puppy My Pride & My Joy of Lollipop (Nounours) / NEW JUNIOR SWISS CHAMPION - Junior CAC + Best Junior / Meilleur Jeune Chewbacca of Lollipop / BOS - Meilleur Femelle - CAC CH My Girl of Lollipop / Junior CAC Femelle Divine of Lollipop Congratulations to her owner Gisela Folmli lovely presentation & 2nd Junior RCAC Charmes & Sortilèges of Lollipop the hoping Bunny / Boo Boo Congratulâtes his daugther Nyin-Djé and her breeder - Owner Marie-Claude Saudan for Alpha going Best Very Young / Meilleur Très Jeune / Thanks to all for your help and company, was a nice day