of lollipop

of lollipop Epagneul tibetain

Epagneul tibetain

European Dog Show Brno 2014 - CZ / 2

Actualité publié le 28/10/2014

of lollipop - European Dog Show Brno 2014 - CZ / 2

CH Soaring Seagull's Gimlet at the European Show in CZ for her second show in Europe & at just 21 months, this young Miss finishes Reserve European Winner 2014 - 1st Exc Intermiediate bitch - CAC + RCACIB -  from a nice competion in bitches - Lovely handling Jean-François Lallemand - Judge Mr Kubeš Robert - Photo

Congratulatilons to all the winners

Picture Gimlet winning the intermiediat bitch class

Thanks to Linda & Joseph for letting Gimlet comme to Europe for a limited time
