International Show Rouen 2014
Actualité publié le 07/12/2014
Finishing in BEAUTY for the last show of the year !!!!! 7th of December 2014 / 1 x Best in Show Breeding Group all Breeds Judge Mrs Bodson / RBIS Veteran all breeds Multi CH Feelings of Lollipop Jugde Mr Rousset / RBIS Champion all Breeds for Multi CH Boo Boo of Lollipop Judge Mr Thevenon / Handling Jean-François Lallemand / Breed resutls & for the 1st time under the Judge Dr Bozhibovski Péro - Best of Breed - CACIB - CACS - 1st Interm Dog Class Que Sera Sera of Lollipop (Monster) / RCACIB - 1st Exc CH Dog Class CH Boo Boo of Lollipop / BOB Veteran / Mr Vétéran CH Feelings of Lollipop / BOS - CACIB - CACS - 1st Exc Interm Bitch Class JCH Charmes & Sortilèges of Lollipop / RCACIB - RCACS 1st Exc Open Bitch Class Multi CH My Girl of Lollipop - 1st Exc CH Bitch Class CH Soaring Seagull's Gimlet / BIG BIG Thank you and Congratulations to Jean-François ! Pictures of Rouen will follow next week !