2 days Shows Perpignan - France
Actualité publié le 27/01/2015
Both Days EUJW 2014 My Pride & My joy of Lollipop / Best of Breed / Meilleur de Race
Sunday 25th January 15 - International show Perpignan / Judge Mr Jouanchicot Christian / Handling Jean-Francois Lallemand / CACIB - CACS - Best of Breed My Pride & My Joy of Lollipop / RCACIB - RCACS - Take a Chance on Me of Lollipop / CACIB - CACS - BOS / Mr Femelle Charmes & Sortilèges of Lollipop / Very Prommising Puppy Bitch 1 Jema des Anges d'Avano / Congratulations & Merci to JF- Bonne route de retour
Saturday 24th January 2015 - National Show Perpignan - France / Judge Mr Blangino / Handling JF Lallemand / My Pride & My Joy of Lollipop 1st Exc intermiediate Dog Class CACS & Best of Breed / Mr de race / Take a Chance on Me of Lollipop - 1st Exc Open Dog Class RCACS / Charmes & Sortilges of Lollipop 1st Exc intermieate Bitch Class CACS - BOS
Saturday 24th January 2015 - National Show Perpignan - France / Judge Mr Blangino / Handling JF Lallemand / My Pride & My Joy of Lollipop 1st Exc intermiediate Dog Class CACS & Best of Breed / Mr de race / Take a Chance on Me of Lollipop - 1st Exc Open Dog Class RCACS / Charmes & Sortilges of Lollipop 1st Exc intermieate Bitch Class CACS - BOS