of lollipop

of lollipop Epagneul tibetain

Epagneul tibetain

Barbalala & Donut's Arizona Febuary Shows 2015 - USA

Actualité publié le 08/02/2015

of lollipop - Barbalala & Donut's Arizona Febuary Shows 2015 - USA

Nice News from Arizona Shows - USA on the 7th & 8th of Febuary 2015 /

C'Donut of Lollipop both days Winners Dog & Best of Winners for a 3pt major. (He needs one more major.to fininsh his Americain Title)

Barbalala of Lollipop Both days Winners Bîtch & Best of Opposit for a 3pt majors

Congratulations to Handlers & co-owners Linda & Joseph Champoux - New Mexico !!!
