of lollipop

of lollipop Epagneul tibetain

Epagneul tibetain

The Babies have arrived ! Les babies sont arrivés !

Actualité publié le 06/03/2015

of lollipop - The Babies have arrived ! Les babies sont arrivés !


We are happy to annonce the birth / Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer la naissance:

Birth the 6th of March 2015 / Sire: Buitonne Fahrenheit & Dam Pul-i-Khumri Wangmo Sire & Dam both PL0/0 - PRA 3 Clear - Mummy & 5 Babies doing well - At Mollie's first litter we had started with the names of the "Barbapapa" family Barbalala & Barbabele.With her second litter we can compleat with the names of the rest of this sweet family

