of lollipop

of lollipop Epagneul tibetain

Epagneul tibetain

Nice News from Florida

Actualité publié le 06/04/2015

of lollipop - Nice News from Florida


Nice news from Elkton,Florida for Barbabelle of Lollipop, 1 year / Owner-handler Sharon

4th April 2015 / Judge Mrs. Paula Hartinger / Winners Bitch - Best of Winners - BOS

5th April 2015 / Judge Mrs. Jacqueline L. Stacy / Winners Bitch - Best of Winners - BOS

Lakeland Winter Haven Kennel Club / 14th Febuary 2015 / Judge Mr. James E. Frederiksen/ Winners Bitch - Best of Winners - BOS

Congratulaitions & Merci to her co-owners Shelly & Sharon - USA

