of lollipop

of lollipop Epagneul tibetain

Epagneul tibetain

News Calvados & C'Donut's from USA

Actualité publié le 23/07/2015

of lollipop - News Calvados & C'Donut's from USA

Congratulations to Linda & Joseph Champoux - New Mexico - USA

Sat. July 18. Flagstaff k.c / AZ. - C'Donut of Lollipop Best Of Breed for 4 gch pts.forward to his Grand Championship Under the Judge Anthony Kelly ( Ireland )

Sun. July 19 Soaring Seagulls Calvados - Best Of Breed for 4gch pts. forward to his Grand Championship Under Judge Norman B. Kenney ...

Hugs to the 2 boys
