of lollipop

of lollipop Epagneul tibetain

Epagneul tibetain

International Dog Show Besançon 2015

Actualité publié le 20/09/2015

of lollipop - International Dog Show Besançon 2015

International - National - Special Tibetain Breeds Show Besançon France / 20th of September 2015 / Judge Mrs L Estru / Handling JF Lallemand / 1st Exc Interm Dog Class Best of Breed - CACIB - CACS - My Pride & My Joy of Lollipop / 1st Exc CH Bitch Class BOS - CACIB CH Charmes & Sortilèges of Lollipop / BOB Vétéran - Meilleur Vétéran WW03-CH Teddy of Lollipop in his 16th year / 1st Exc Open Dog Class RCACIB - RCACS Take a Chance on Me of Lollipop / Merci & safe travelling home to all.
