International Show Lyon 2016
Actualité publié le 24/04/2016
One more lovely day, Lyon International Show + Special Tibetain Breeds Show / 24th April 2016 / Judge Mr P Deweale / Handling JF Lallemand / Best of Breed- Meilleur de Race - CACIB - 1st ex Champion Bitch Class CH Charmes & Sortilèges of Lollipop / Best of Opposit Sex - CACIB - CACS - 1st exc Open Dog Class CH My Pride & My Joy of Lollipop / BOB Junior - Meilleur Jeune - 1st exc Junior Bitch Class Fjordneck Filomena / 1st exc Junior Dog Class Fjordneck Freddy / Merci & Félicitations to all + safe travelling back home / Pictures F. Lhonoré & Lollipop