of lollipop

of lollipop Epagneul tibetain

Epagneul tibetain

Internationale & Sp. de Race Douai 2016

Actualité publié le 12/06/2016

of lollipop - Internationale & Sp. de Race Douai 2016

Nice News from International - National - Special Tibetain Breeds Show in Douai the 12th June 2016 / Judge M. F. Teppaz-Misson / Handling Jf Lallemand & BIG thank you to Valérie & Manon for their help / Qualifing for Crufts 2017 all 4 Maya - Fonsi - Nounours - Sortilèges

Best of Breed Fjordneck Filomena + BOB Junior / Meilleur Jeune

BOS - CACIB - CACS in special CH My Pride & My Joy of of Lollipop

CACIB - CH Charmes & Sortilèges of Lollipop

Best Junior Male Fjordneck Freddy