of lollipop

of lollipop Epagneul tibetain

Epagneul tibetain

Aarau weekend shows 2016

Actualité publié le 19/06/2016

of lollipop - Aarau weekend shows 2016

4 NEW Swiss Champions this weekend (Under homologation) !!!! Aurau National 18th & International the 19th of June 2016 / Judges M. Franki Leung - HK & M. Laurent Pichard on Sunday / Merci to the handlers JF Lallemand & Romain Handler.

NEW Junior Suisse Champion - JCAC the 2 days + Sunday Best junior & BEST OF BREED for Fjordneck Freddy (Fonsi).

NEW Junior Suisse Champion - JCAC the 2 days + Best Junior on Saturday & Best of Opposit Sex both days for Fjordneck Filomena.

NEW Swiss Champion - CAC - CACIB CH My Pride & My Joy of Lollipop.

New Swiss Champion - CAC - RCACIB CH Charmes & Sortilèges of Lollipop.

Félicitations & merci à tous - Bon retour à chacun / Safe travelling home