National Halloween Show Lenzburg
Actualité publié le 02/11/2016
All Results from Halloween Show Special 9th Group Lenzburg the 30th of October 2016 - Judge M R Barenne - Handling Jean-François Lllemand - Valérie Midrouet - Manon Midrouet - Mathieu Feuillet
3 Best in Show's
BIS Vétéran - BIS Breeders group - BIS Brace / Couple 1 & 3 !
CH Boo Boo of Lollipop Meilleur Vétéran / BIS Vétéran
Frojdneck Freddy CAC - Best of Breed...
CH Charmes & Sortilèges of Lollipop - 1st Exc CH Bitch class - CAC - BOS
Frojdneck Filomena JCAC / BOB Junior / Meilleur Jeune
Nyin-Djé Emeraude Eaden Meilleur Puppy
CH My Pride & My Joy of Lollipop - 1st Exc CH Dog class - CAC
CH Take a Chance on Me of Lollipop - 1st Exc Open Dog class - CAC
CH Feelings & Teddy of Lollipop EXC behind Boo in Veteran class
Thanks for the lovely organisation of the show to Yvo Beccarelli & his team
Photo Best in Show Breeders Group - Teddy in his 17th year Feelings 12 years - Boo in his 10h year