of lollipop

of lollipop Epagneul tibetain

Epagneul tibetain

American National Championship Show 2016

Actualité publié le 17/12/2016

of lollipop - American National Championship Show 2016

Big Congratulations to Helene Gauzza Owner & Handler Pepe Anastas for lovely result with GCH R-Blitzen of Lollipop going Grand Champion Select Bitch at the American Championship Show 2016 - Under the Judge Mrs Pamela Bruce from Canada - 42 tibbies entered - Sire GCH Soaring Seagul's Calvados & Dam CH Mona Lisa of Lollipop - The young Bopa of Lollipop going 2 days in the week on Orlando circuit RWB - Merci & félicitations à tous

