of lollipop

of lollipop Epagneul tibetain

Epagneul tibetain

International Show Lyon 2018

Actualité publié le 22/04/2018

of lollipop - International Show Lyon 2018


Great News from International Show in Lyon on the 22nd of April 2018 / Best in Show Judge Mr Boris Cavillac - Group Judge Mrs J Coustot - Breed Judge Mr Teppaz - Misson / Handling JF Lallemand et merci to helpers / Best in Show Puppy / Meilleur Puppy de l'exposition - BOB Puppy L'Artiste of Lollipop walking in the paws steps of his daddy Fonsi / Group 2 - CACIB - BOB - Meilleur de Race CH Fjordneck Freddy / Best of Opposite Sex - CACIB - CACS Lipstick Miss of Lollipop / 1st Exc CH Bitch Class RCACIB CH Charmes & Sortilèges of Lollipop / 1st very promissing Puppy Bitch Fjordneck Gem-Gamani / Congratulations & safe travellng to all

