of lollipop

of lollipop Epagneul tibetain

Epagneul tibetain

International Show Turin - Italy

Actualité publié le 20/07/2024

of lollipop - International Show Turin - Italy

International Show Turin - Italy - A very hot day - Show held in a green and magical setting / Exposition tenu dans un cadre verdoyant & féerique

Under the Judge Mr Vncenzo Pontone - Italy

- CH Delightfull Dream of Lollipop - CACIB - Best of Breed / Meilleur de Race

- CH Gold Prestige Of Lollipop - CACIB - Best of Opposite Sex

- T-Punch de la Valoubière - 1st Exc Open Dog Class - RCAC

- You're My Thrill of Lollipop - J- CACIB - JCAC - NEW Junior Initernational Champion (Under Homologation)

- Glitter LoveLight of Lollipop - RCACIB - CAC

- JCH Talk Ablout Love of Lollipop -J-CACIB - J-CAC - Best of Breed Junior / Meilleur Jeune - NEW Junior Initernational Champion (Under Homologation)

- Tribute to Love of Lollipop 1st VP Puppy Femelle Class - Best Puppy

- La Diva of Lollipop - 2nd VP Puppy Femelle Class

Handling André & Pascale