of lollipop

of lollipop Epagneul tibetain

Epagneul tibetain

2 days Shows Douai - France

Actualité publié le 20/07/2024

of lollipop - 2 days Shows Douai - France

Saturday & Sunday International & National Shows in Douai 13th & 14th July

Under the Judgements :

- Mrs Bodson - France - Best in Show 2 Breeders Group Saturday

- Mr Laurent Pichard - Swiss - Breed & BIS Puppy Saturday

- Mr Roger Barenne - France - Breed & 9th Group Sunday

- Mr Olivieira - Portugal - Best in Show 1 Breeders Group Sunday

- Mr Guillaume Tytgat - France - 9tth Group Saturday

- You're My Thrill of Lollipop - Best Junior dog Saturday

- CH Gold Prestige of Lollipop 1X cCI£B - 2x CACS - 1x Best Opposite - 1x Best of Breed

- Tribute to Love of Lollipop 2x Best of Breed Puppy

-  La Diva of Lollipop montée sur resorts ! 2x 2nd Very Prommising our "little Devil"

-  JCH Talk About Love of Lollipop - 2x 1st Exc Junior & Best of Breed Junior / Meilleur Jeune, - 2x CACS Junior - 1x Cacib Junior

-  CH Glitter Lovelight of Lollipop - 2x 1st Exc Open Femelle - RCACIB - 2x CACS

-  CH Delightfull Dream of Lollipop - 1st Exc CH Femelle Class - CACIB - 1x Best of Oposite Sex / Meilleur Femelle / 1x Best of Breed

Co-Handling André & Pascale

Un Grand Merci à l'Organisation, aux Juges, aux Vétérinaires, aux Bénévoles, aux Stuarts & Secrétaires de rings, L'entretien, Parkings etc,

Belle Journée à tous